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2001-08-05 - Enter Anja

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     Okay, the fine line between reality and fiction is aparently too fine for me to see. In the beginning, this strip was supposed to be about some original characters (Miko & Anja) and a few extra who were based off of my friends, just as a way to start things off.
     Now we get to the fifth strip and realize that it's not working out that way. Anja is definitely Meg, and Miko is definitely me. Do I have qualms with this? No, of course not. I actually tend to enjoy strips about real-life people (exaggerated a little). Why not make Miko look more like me, Anja more like Meg, and change their names?
     (A) I'm lazy and don't want to have to re-draw those panels.
     (B) I really don't wanna draw myself at all.
     (C) I really don't wanna incur the wrath of Meg.
     Just kidding..... not that I want to incur wrath... I mean..... uh.... ummm.....
     Reset. Just kidding about that whole "wrath" thing... Meg would probably take it all in good spirits. She's keen like that.
     So, I prommise, from here on in, if you're going to get stuffed in my strip, I will actually make you look and sound like you... That being said, I am now constructing a list of people not to put in the strip. Meg may be easy going, but that's most definitely not the norm.
     And for the very few of you who would get this, I wanna see if I can arrange a Milko-Largo crossover.... ph33r d4 |\/|4d h4x1|\| 5k1||z!!!

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