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2001-08-03 - Orientation

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     Welcome to the Student Center Kurt!!!
     So let me get this straight,... you actually signed up for the job that your ex-roomate complained about on a nearly daily basis? What's wrong with you boy?!?!
     But, at any rate, the Student Center isn't that bad of a place to work, it's just got a ton of annoying qualities. Student Orientation, with its ice-breakers and training films, ranks high on that list. So does Tamika Quick... who hopefully isn't reading this 'casue she'll just be quitely pissed at me for ever and actually be ruder than she was (if at all possible). Also annoying are the times of long, sustained, blank-faced staring. Even in Info-systems, which is usually a very busy office, we occasionally get periods where we must stare off into space to occupy our time. Nothing like sitting there trying to actually feel the crust build up in the corners of your eyes.
     Other than that, thoguh, it's a great job (and mainly because it's on campus and we live on campus... go fig). Welcome to the team, Kurt!

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