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2005-05-26 - Guest Strip from Bill

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     Yeah, I know it's been a damned long time. But I've at least got a decent excuse this time. My computer has been dying a slow death for 2 to 3 weeks. It's been fairly impossible to use since it tended to lock up after any more than 20 minutes of use. Now I've got a nice new computer, which as you can see is quite the bit tiny. It's also fast,... I put an Athlon XP 3000+ in there.
     Bill supplied this guest strip. I could've put in real text balloons, but I decided that it would be funniest in its unadulterated form.
Everything else is fairly normal. Work is okay. Doing a lot more coding recently and less content work. I like coding, so that makes me happy.
     I'll try to get a new strip up as soon as I can (maybe tomorrow if I can tear myself away from my distractingly beautiful girlfriend. :P ). For now, though, I have to get some shut-eye. I've been spending too much time trying to re-install my myriad of programs while not getting distracted with how fast emulation runs now.:)

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